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*Best of My Love*

Welcome to Donna's
Love Poems!


Here are some love poems that are suitable
for friends, family and loved ones, on any
occasion, including wedding anniversaries,
birthdays, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day,
Father's Day, or simply to say "I Love You!"

These poems are for non-commercial, personal use only,
and may not be displayed on any other site on the Internet.
Please read the copyright notice.

How do I love thee? I can't count the ways;
Your love will sustain me for all of my days.

Your love gives me happiness, joy and delight;
You're the sun in my morning, the moon in my night,
You're the one that I cherish, the love of my life;
And I truly was blessed when you made me your wife.

Every morning as I wake
To start the day anew,
I thank the Lord that He could make
A person sweet as you;
And as I lay me down to sleep,
I thank the Lord above
For sending me a soul mate,
So that I may know true love.

I can't imagine what I'd do
Without the love you give.
I'll treasure every moment shared,
As long as I shall live.

You brighten my day with the sound of your voice,
You bring so much laughter and love;
You're everything to me, and I was so blessed
When God sent you here from above.

Family or Friend...
What a joy to have someone as wonderful as you,
Who offers such concern and care for everything I do,
Who's always there to lend an ear to all I have to say;
God bless you, ( _____ ), and have yourself
A very special day!

You've been a very special friend,
So caring and so kind;
You always have an ear to lend,
And good advice to mind.

I'm very fortunate to have
A loving friend like you;
Thanks for always being there;
Real friends are far too few.

Friendship (birthday, thank you, etc)...
What a friend you've been to me!
You've stayed through thick and thin;
I'd try to put it into words,
But where do I begin?
So here's a little "_______" card
Made specially for you,
To say how much you mean to me;
You're wonderful! Yes, you!
Friendship (Valentine)...
What a friend you've been to me!
You've stayed through thick and thin;
I'd try to put it into words,
But where do I begin?
So here's a little Valentine
Made specially for you,
To say how much you mean to me;
You're wonderful! Yes, you!

I wish I could be with you,
And you weren't so far away,
But here's a message sent with love
To brighten up your day!
I wish I could be with you,
And you weren't so far away,
But here's a little Valentine
To brighten up your day!

Poems written by Donna Sheehan
copyright © 2000
All Rights Reserved

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