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To get the most out of this site, turn on your java and javascript.
If you don't, you'll miss out on a lot of great animation
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If you choose not to turn on java, you will still be able
to view much of the site, though some graphics may not load.
Here is an alternate Site Map...
Animated Holidays and Occasions:
Valentine's Day
Mother's Day
Father's Day
Remembrance Day
Saint Patrick's Day
What's New?! 
Haunted Halloween Screen Saver
Lively and fun animated screen saver with
a haunted house, ghosts, bats, witches and skeletons!
Donna's Floral Fantasy Screen Saver
A beautiful floral setting reflected in a lake,
customizable to display your loved one's photo,
or any photo of your choice.
(This version displays a wedding photo.)
Virtual Sky Screen Savers
Features beautiful sunrises and sunsets reflecting on moving water.
Custom Made Web Pages
Web design and hosting service for all occasions and events.
Useful for announcements, bulletins,
invitations, dedications and more!
More to See and Do!
Virtual Visuals
Relax and enjoy these
serene and beautiful graphics,
enhanced with background music
and virtual movement using
lake and snow applets!
Fun and Games
Interactive entertainment and
fun for chldren of all ages,
during holidays or year-round.
(Parents enjoy these too!)
Uses javascript and java applets.
Gift Guides for any occasion...
Anniversary Gift Guide
Modern and Traditional Gifts
Birthstones & Flowers
Birthday Guide
Aromatherapy Guide
for creating Synergies (aromatherapy blends)
Gift Baskets for any occasion...

Send an Internet Greeting Card
Choose from a huge selection
of Free Virtual Greetings
for any occasion!
Site Dedication (Memorial)
My Favorite Sites
Contact Me