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The Roman soldiers had bound Jesus and led Him
to the hall of judgement, where He was brought
before Pontius Pilate to stand trial for blasphemy.
Pilate was a Roman governor who served under
Caesar. At that time, the Romans had control over
the laws of the land. Pilate questioned Jesus,
but could find no fault in Him, and wanted to
free Him.

Many had gathered outside, waiting for Pilate's
decision, so he called out to them, saying "I can
find no fault in this man." But the crowd became
angry, demanding that Jesus be punished. Pilate
did not want to be responsible for punishing an
innocent man, and argued that Jesus be spared.
The Jewish law allowed one person to be freed
from prison during Passover; and this being the
second day of Passover, Pilate suggested that
Jesus be set free. But the crowd grew even
more angry, shouting loudly, saying that Jesus
must die, and that a murderer named Barabbas
should be set free instead of Jesus.

Pilate returned to question Jesus again and
again, yet still could not find fault in Him. The
people continued to protest, saying "This man
thinks himself a king!" Pilate's soldiers then
mocked Jesus and taunted Him, and made a
crown of thorns and forced it upon His head;

Then they put a tattered purple robe on Him, as
purple was the color for kings. And Pilate took
Jesus and showed Him to the people, hoping that
this humiliation would satisfly them; but they
would not change their minds.

They believed that Jesus had committed the
worst kind of blasphemy by claiming to be
the Son of God, and they wanted Him to die
for it. When they finally threatened to tell
Caesar, Pilate agreed to let them have their
way. He feared that he might lose his power
of authority if he didn't please the people;
and so with great guilt, Pilate sentenced
Jesus to be crucified, and allowed Barabbas,
the murderer to be set free.

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*The Trial* was written by Donna Sheehan
copyright ©2000

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